In a dynamic world where the intersection of learning and work defines our pathways to success, the recent Microcredentials Empowering Skills Pathways event illuminated a promising horizon. The EVBB had the opportunity to partake in the event & showcase the...
On the 28th of November, EntreVET celebrated a pivotal moment with its final event in Brussels, Belgium, and online, signifying a significant achievement in upskilling Vocational Education and Training (VET) institutions. The event brought together a diverse group of...
Exciting news is on the horizon as the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) announces the first edition of the EESC Civil Society Week. We are thrilled to share that our team will play an active role in this groundbreaking event, initiating two workshops and...
Peer Learning Activities EVBB is dedicated to promoting the European Education Area (EEA) and is actively engaged in fostering professional development and collaborative learning opportunities among its members. As part of its commitment under the operational grant...
The EU Vocational Skills Week 2023 wrapped up with the EU Policy Camp: VET4EU2 event, a high-level assembly hosted by EVBB. Themed “VET for today and tomorrow for a Europe in transition”, this event brought together prominent figures in the field of...