Signature of a 3-year MoC with the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation of the Republic of Kosovo
The European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training (EVBB) is proud to announce a three-year Memorandum of Collaboration (MoC) with the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation of the Republic of Kosovo .
The Memorandum has been signed on the 29th of August 2022 between Mrs Arbërie Nagavci, Minister of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation of the Republic of Kosovo and Mr Theodor Grassos, Secretary General of EVBB.
A fundamental objective of the MoC is to undertake initiatives that will enhance the image of VET in Kosovo, making it the first choice for young people.
In this context, the proposed cooperation covers the following indicative areas:
A. Presentation of methodologies and practices, already applied in third countries (European or non-European) that have led to an increase in the participation of young people in VET programmes. Support may cover the following indicative areas:
- Organisation of workshops and seminars on current VET issues by inviting participants from countries, with recognized good practices
- Planning and implementation of study visits to third countries where EVBB members are active.
- Participation (in person or online) of MEST staff and representatives of the VET sector in workshops and technical meetings organized by the EVBB.
The specific themes of these activities are to be identified after consultation between the two sides.
2. Provision of expertise on VET issues:
- In writing in the form of expert knowledge and know-how
- In person or online, through the participation of EVBB members in seminars or other meetings.
3. Support in designing interventions that will promote the purpose of improving the image of VET in the country, through:
- Organizing actions in the framework of the European Week for VET, following the model of third countries.
- Organizing an annual VET festival (VET-fest) along the lines of a third country model to showcase good practices with a strong social impact.
- Cooperating in the framework of European Programmes mobilizing centrally managed European Commission resources, such as the CoVE and Teachers Academy initiatives.
- Contributing to actions that develop digital and other skills of VET teachers/trainers based on the European Commission’s guidelines.
- Developing of respective proposals for the exploitation of the sustainable social and economic recovery funds provided by the European Investment Bank (under the Team Europe initiative) in order to improve the quality of VET and to link it to the needs of the labour market, whilst being in line with respective practices in third countries.
Both sides agreed to publicly share the achievements and results of their collaboration in the near future.