Prize Winners

Internationaler Bund e.V. (Verbund Dresden)

Internationaler Bund e.V. (Facility Dresden) – qualification of unemployed functional illiterates

The price for “The Europe 2011” went to the project “Qualification of unemployed functional illiterates”, carried out by the Internationaler Bund Facility in Saxony.

The project was funded by the European Social Fund, aimed in 8 courses to 58 participants. These courses include:

Basic skills in reading and writing
Everyday competences
Work with the computer
Work with the eLearning Portal www.ich-will-lernen.de
Also, application training to find jobs were offered.

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Work Pedagogy of Innovative Economy Centre, Radom – Poland

Project “Entrepreneurial Spirit in the Network – the Internet as an Opportunity for the Growth of Competitiveness”

The Work Pedagogy of Innovative Economy Centre in Radom, Poland won the bronze statuette for its project “Entrepreneurial Spirit in the Network – the Internet as an Opportunity for the Growth of Competitiveness, a project of the joint initiative EQUAL“. The award presentation of the
“DIE EUROPA” 2010 Prize took place at this year’s EVBB annual conference in Lisbon.

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European Occupational and Societal Training Center gGmbH

Project – “A Colorful Variety in the Altmark Region – Chances for Everybody”

This year the “DIE EUROPA” Prize of the Adalbert Kitsche Foundation was awarded to the project “A Colorful Variety in the Altmark Region – Chances for Everybody”, carried out by the European Occupational and Societal Training Center gGmbH. The prize was presented in the course of the EVBB annual conference in Rome on 17 September 2009.

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Former Prize Winners

Extraordinary Merits

In recognition of extraordinary merits for developing a liberal and peaceful Europe, the statuette “DIE EUROPA” was awarded to:

  • Foundation Chancellor-Adenauer-Home
    Dr. Konrad Adenauer in recognition of his exceptional merits for developing a liberal and peaceful Europe (2008)
  • German Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs and Vice-Chancellor A. D. Professor Dr. h.c. mult. Hans-Dietrich Genscher
    In recognition of his exceptional merits for developing a European order of peace and Europe’s unity (2006)