Prize Winners

Europäisches Bildungswerk für Beruf und Gesellschaft, Magdeburg/Germany

The price “Die Europa” was awarded this year for the 11th time by the Adalbert Kitsche Foundation.

The winner is EBG, Magdeburg with his project “MOVES”.

The project deals with the vocational and social integration of prisoners to prevent re-offending and of fractures in the transition from prison to freedom.

The prize was presented by the EVBB Vice President Prof. Dr. habil. Dr. h. C. Richard Teßmer, the eulogy was given by Berthold Kuhn, the honorary president of the EVBB as part of the Welcome evening on this year’s EVBB conference in Zagreb.

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BFI Upper Austria

The prices for the “THE EUROPE”, which was given the 10th time this year, goes to the project “Adult Education Initiative” of the BFI from Linz, Austria.

This award goes annually to an innovative vocational training project for disadvantaged young people. The award was presented on the 1st conference day in a formal ceremony.

The project is an Austrian initiative to increase the level of competence in the area of basic education and to catch up on the compulsory school leaving.

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Christliches Jugenddorfwerk (CJD) Chemnitz

The price for “The Europe 2012”, given the 9th time this year, went to the project “Diversity learning in Erzgebirge”, carried out by the Christlichen Jugenddorfwerkes (CJD) in Chemnitz.

This award is given annually to an innovative vocational training project for disadvantaged young people. The award was presented on 1st Conference day handed over in a ceremony.

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Former Prize Winners

Extraordinary Merits

In recognition of extraordinary merits for developing a liberal and peaceful Europe, the statuette “DIE EUROPA” was awarded to:

  • Foundation Chancellor-Adenauer-Home
    Dr. Konrad Adenauer in recognition of his exceptional merits for developing a liberal and peaceful Europe (2008)
  • German Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs and Vice-Chancellor A. D. Professor Dr. h.c. mult. Hans-Dietrich Genscher
    In recognition of his exceptional merits for developing a European order of peace and Europe’s unity (2006)