European Entrepreneurs CEA-PME General Assembly and SME2B Business Forum Europe 2023: New Energy for SME and Mid-Caps – Brussels, Belgium

European Entrepreneurs CEA-PME General Assembly and SME2B Business Forum Europe 2023: New Energy for SME and Mid-Caps – Brussels, Belgium

The EVBB team fully participated in the two days of activities organized by our partner European Entrepreneurs CEA-PME. On the 27th of June 2023, we attended the General Assembly of the Confederation & #SMESummerParty, followed by the SME2B Business Forum Europe...
European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EaFA) High-Level Event – Brussels, Belgium

European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EaFA) High-Level Event – Brussels, Belgium

We are glad to announce that the European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training (EVBB) actively participated in the EAfA High-Level event and had the honor of signing the EAfA pledge on June 26th! During the Signing Ceremony of the European Alliance for...
Lifelong Learning Platform Lab 2023 – Girona, Spain

Lifelong Learning Platform Lab 2023 – Girona, Spain

We are thrilled to have participated in the Lifelong Learning Platform – European Civil Society for Education held in Girona, Spain. During this remarkable event, our Secretary General Mr. Theodor Grassos took the stage to deliver an engaging presentation,...