The AppInterN Final Multiplier Event, organised by EVTA – Brussels, Belgium

The AppInterN Final Multiplier Event, organised by EVTA – Brussels, Belgium

We are happy to announce that our EVBB team participated in the final Multiplier Event of the AppInterN project, organized by the European Vocational Training Association – EVTA on the 13th of July, at the EU Parliament in Brussels! AppInterN aims to strengthen...
Erasmus Student Network Summer Reception – Brussels, Belgium

Erasmus Student Network Summer Reception – Brussels, Belgium

EVBB is delighted to have participated in the Erasmus Student Network Summer Reception, where professionals and innovators gathered to shape the future of education. The event was an inspiring opportunity to engage in thought-provoking conversations and exchange ideas...
INNOVATION SUMMIT: Europe’s Innovation competitiveness – Future Skills for Disruptive Technologies, in partnership with Hanns Seidel Foundation European Brussels Office – Brussels, Belgium

INNOVATION SUMMIT: Europe’s Innovation competitiveness – Future Skills for Disruptive Technologies, in partnership with Hanns Seidel Foundation European Brussels Office – Brussels, Belgium

The INNOVATION SUMMIT: Europe’s Innovation Competitiveness – Future Skills for Disruptive Technologies was a groundbreaking event in partnership with the Hanns Seidel Foundation European Brussels Office. Our Secretary General, Theodor Grassos, had the privilege of...


DIE EUROPA AWARD 2023 Call for participation in the Competition of the Dr. Adalbert – Kitsche Foundation for the Prize Award. Under the umbrella of EVBB, a non-profit foundation was established by our founding president Dr. Adalbert Kitsche on 25th November 2003. Its...