Topic of the year 2013 – Promoting work-based Learning

Topic of the year 2013 – Promoting work-based Learning

Vocational education and training is more than just producing workforce SOLIDAR and EVBB provide Expert Round Table on March 5th 2013 in European Parliament – Brussels Promoting work-based Learning: Dual VET System – European Experiences Prepared in a...
Athens 2013 – For Youth Employment in Europe

Athens 2013 – For Youth Employment in Europe

For Youth Employment in Europe – Training Concepts, Projects, Quality Standards. The 17th International annual Conference of EVBB has taken place from 23th – 26th October 2013 in Athens in Greece. Conference Contributions Key note contribution EVBB – Conference...
Christliches Jugenddorfwerk (CJD) Chemnitz

Christliches Jugenddorfwerk (CJD) Chemnitz

Winner of the Year 2012 Christliches Jugenddorfwerk (CJD) Chemnitz – “Vielfalt lernen im Erzgebirge” The price for “The Europe 2012”, given the 9th time this year, went to the project “Diversity learning in Erzgebirge”,...
Topic of the year 2012 – Social Cohesian

Topic of the year 2012 – Social Cohesian

Europe needs strategies as well as new instruments, which are adjusted to the current situation to drive forward improvements for the integration of disadvantaged target groups. This is the only way to avert the danger of a collapse of our social cohesion. Social...
Frankfurt/Main 2012 – Social Cohesion

Frankfurt/Main 2012 – Social Cohesion

“Social cohesion – integration in Profession and Labour Market of disadvantaged target groups” The international anual conference of EVBB will take place from 04. – 05. October 2012, in the historic Auditorium of the Goethe-University in...