A holistic model to open Tourism VET for vulnerable groups
KA2 – Strategic Partnership in VET
399.766,00 €
01/12/2023 – 30/11/2026 (36 months)
Germany, Spain, Greece, Namibia, Gambia, and Kenya
TourEdu4All aims to strengthen the capacities of SSA Tourism VET institutions in terms of empowerment and inclusive access for disadvantaged populations, entrepreneurship practices, including funding opportunities at VET level, digital technologies and excellence in Tourism, through the development of a Holistic Model for inclusion in Tourism VET at the heart of which lies the knowledge exchange of a networked collaboration, realistically adapted to the context of the partnering SSA countries. The Holistic Model for inclusion in Tourism VET, comprised by the identified expertise and Good Practices of the VET partners, will act as the basis for the development of the capacity building training curriculum that will target the partnering VET providers and teachers/trainers, to cultivate skills of the future workforce that successfully correspond to the Tourism industry needs.
Objectives of the project
- Reduction of unemployment levels of an increasingly rising young population in the SSA region
- Low exploitation of Tourism sector in the SSA region
- Insufficiency of inclusive access to SSA Tourism VET for disadvantaged populations, and gender gaps in education and employment
- Lack of networked collaboration between SSA and EU VET institutions, and among SSA VET institutions
- Inadequate responsiveness of SSA Tourism VET system to the requirements of the labour
- Lagging development of digital pathways in SSA Tourism VET
The project aims to:
- To increase the employability of youth in the SSA region, including disadvantaged groups and women
- To create pathways for equitable access to SSA Tourism VET
- To foster international and intra-national networked cooperation of Tourism VET institutions on the basis of exchanging Good Practices, knowledge and technical resources
- To render the SSA Tourism VET ecosystem relevant to the requirements of the Tourism industry
- To actively support the SSA Tourism VET ecosystem by facilitating financial support and exchanging-income generating strategies across Tourism VET institutions
- Main target
Expected Results
The TourEdu4All project is expected to deliver the following key results:
- Analysis of the 4 Pillars Best Practices
- Report on Findings and Action-driven Recommendations
- 4 Pillars Raw Model for Inclusive Tourism Training
Project Activities
The activities of the TourEdu4All project are divided into five key Work Packages (WPs), each comprising a set of tasks designed to achieve specific outcomes:
- WP1: Project Management
- WP2: Preparatory Activities for design of a Raw Model for an inclusive approach in Tourism
- WP3: Development of the Raw Model for an inclusive approach in Tourism
- WP4: Operational Phase of Fundraising Activities at partnering VET Institutions
- WP5: Dissemination and exploitation Activities
Project Partners
- BK-con
- Associacion Mundus
- Kambaku Hospitality College (KHC)
- Gambia Tourism & Hospitality Institute (GTHI)
- TVETA Kenya- The Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority (TVETA)
- Prosperity Hotel Namibia-Vocational Training
- Computers For Schools Kenya (CFSK))