“New Migration: A Global Challenge for Our Future”
which took place from 11th until 13th April 2018 with the participation of numerous EVBB members from Germany, Lithuania, France, Greece, Turkey, Kosovo and the Directorate General for Migration of the Province of Antalya.
As our guests, we had very enthusiastic researchers on Migration Policy giving keynote speeches as well as facilitating the three following working groups:
- Working Group 1: Impact of Forced Migration on Society: Turkey & Europe
- Working Group 2: Future Demand for Skilled Workforce in Turkey & Europe
- Working Group 3: Training of Potential Migrants in the Countries of Origin & the Hosting Countries
Inputs were provided by Lida Kita of the European Training Foundation (ETF) and education experts from Turkey (Dr. Osman Ali Taslika), France (Dr. Yves Grange, on behalf of Prof. Jean Marcou of the University of Grenoble), Greece (Dr. Panos Milios ), Israel (Dr. Eli Eisenberg) and Egypt (Dr. Ehab Shawky). Issues related to the impact of forced migration on society were discussed in connection with labour market needs for skilled labor and potential solutions in the countries of origin.
Input presentations by representatives of well-known organisations and researchers as well as the presentation of the situation of refugees in Turkey and Greece provided the framework for the discussions in three workshops. The working groups were supported by moderators and three rapporteurs whose results and recommendations can soon be found on the EVBB homepage. It is already clear that events of this kind will have a continuation, for instance in cooperation with other cities in Europe and beyond. In addition, a good networking basis has been created for future tenders in the context of migration, education and the labor market. The already excellent results of ongoing projects, in particular the GIZ-funded project of the IB with the Darülaceze Foundation, or the many private initiatives in the Greek islands will be gathered and also shared with interested parties
If you like to find out more about the discussions, results and planned projects initiated with the seminar, you can contact the EVBB and gain access to our SharePoint (under construction). The contact person for this is the Secretary General of the EVBB, Horst Dreimann.
Otherwise, the seminar documentation with all presentations and other documents can be found below.
Seminar Documentation
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Seminar Photos
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