EVBB Annual Conference 2021, Online – VET in the post-covid era: Challenges and Opportunities

The concept

As the EU economy shows promising signs of recovery, with GDP growth forecasts reaching new heights, the focus shifts to sustaining this momentum and ensuring that economic progress translates into prosperity for all segments of society in an inclusive way. The activation of Next Generation EU, the new Recovery Plan for Europe, holds the potential for an even brighter future, with productive drivers fueling economic growth throughout the European economies.

However, a critical question arises: Does the European economy possess the necessary characteristics to maintain its growth trajectory in the coming years, and how can this increased GDP be transformed into tangible benefits for society?

Vocational Education and Training (VET) emerges as a pivotal factor in the post-COVID environment. The demand for skilled employees has grown significantly, yet there are persistent skills gaps that hinder the full utilization of new employment opportunities. Studies by CEDEFOP and OECD have shed light on this challenge, revealing a disconnect between the skills required by the job market and the reluctance of some individuals to acquire these in-demand competencies.

One of the prevailing issues lies in the perception of VET, which continues to suffer from a low image among the younger generation. Stereotypical perceptions persist, leading many to favor higher education over VET, despite the latter offering immediate employment prospects and a pathway to well-paying, sustainable jobs. This trend raises concerns about Europe’s ability to capitalize on the unique development opportunity at hand and leverage it for societal improvement.

For the EU to effectively benefit from its economic resurgence, bridging the skills gap and promoting VET as an attractive career choice are paramount. Encouraging a shift in mindset and dispelling misconceptions about VET are essential steps in fostering a highly skilled and adaptable workforce that aligns with the evolving needs of industries.

Investing in vocational education not only addresses the skills mismatch but also contributes to more inclusive prosperity. By providing accessible and practical training, VET empowers individuals from diverse backgrounds to secure meaningful employment, driving social mobility and reducing inequalities.

Furthermore, as the recovery unfolds, there is an opportunity to revitalize the image of VET as a critical pillar of economic growth. Emphasizing the relevance of VET in fulfilling the demands of emerging industries and offering attractive career paths can reshape perceptions and create a workforce that is better equipped to drive Europe’s future prosperity.

In conclusion, the role of VET in the post-COVID environment cannot be underestimated. It holds the key to unlocking the potential of the EU’s economic recovery, transforming GDP growth into sustainable and inclusive prosperity. By addressing skills gaps and reshaping perceptions, Europe can pave the way for a brighter future, where VET plays a central role in building a skilled, adaptable, and thriving workforce that benefits all members of society.

The conference

In 2021, Vocational Education and Training (VET) continued to play a vital role in supporting the momentum of the European economy by offering modern education and equipping employees with knowledge and skills that were in great demand. Lifelong learning remained a cornerstone of VET, enabling individuals to continuously upgrade their skills in response to evolving market demands.

The post-pandemic recovery called for the design of new policies to ensure a fair and inclusive rebound. The urgent need for green and digital skills became increasingly evident as industries embraced sustainability and digitalization. Equally important were transversal skills, which played a critical role in fostering adaptability and resilience in the face of rapid technological advancements.

Addressing these challenges required comprehensive and coordinated policy measures, as highlighted by CEDEFOP. The focus was on driving adult participation in skills development at both European and National levels, offering upskilling pathways tailored to individuals of all ages and EQF levels. The aim was to create an environment that responded effectively to the constantly changing skill demands across sectors, driven by technological advancements.

The Conference in 2021 centered on several key objectives. Firstly, there was a keen focus on policies and measures designed to facilitate a smooth transition to the new economic environment. These measures aimed to bridge the skills gap and enable individuals to access opportunities presented by the evolving economy.

Secondly, discussions revolved around making skills anticipation more intelligent and data-driven, empowering policymakers to stay ahead of the rapidly shifting skill demands.

Thirdly, the importance of increased collaboration between businesses and VET institutions took center stage. Establishing Knowledge Triangles became a key strategy in fostering innovation and enhancing the reputation of VET at local and regional levels.

Finally, VET internationalization strategies were analyzed, showcasing the significance of global perspectives in skills development. Best practices in the validation of prior knowledge were presented, inspiring VET leaders and practitioners to embrace new possibilities in an evolving environment.

Throughout 2021, VET continued to demonstrate its essential role in driving economic growth and societal prosperity. By equipping individuals with relevant and in-demand skills, VET contributed to a more competitive and resilient Europe, ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities of the digital age. As VET Leaders and practitioners united in pursuit of excellence, they laid the groundwork for a future where VET remained a driving force for Europe’s success and prosperity.

Documents from here: https://evbb.eu/conferences/2021/10/04/athens-2021-vet-in-the-post-covid-era-challenges-and-opportunities/