EVBB Annual Conference 2011, Istanbul, Turkey – Labour Market, Economy and Vocational Training

From September 29th to October 1st, 2011, the EVBB hosted its 15th International Annual Conference under the theme “Labour Market, Economy, and Vocational Training between European and International Developments and Demands.” This prestigious event took place at the elegant Cinar Hotel in the enchanting city of Istanbul, Turkey.

With over 140 participants hailing from both European and Asian countries, the conference served as a global platform for in-depth discussions on the latest developments in European education policy. Attendees explored various strategic objectives and tasks outlined in the communiqué of Bruges, a document that laid out critical guidelines for the advancement of vocational education and training in Europe.

Throughout the conference, experts, policymakers, and stakeholders engaged in constructive dialogues, sharing their insights and experiences on navigating the ever-evolving landscape of vocational training. As the world faced rapid changes and dynamic challenges in the labor market and economy, it was crucial to understand the implications for vocational education and its role in equipping individuals with the skills demanded by international and European markets.

The conference facilitated meaningful exchanges of knowledge and best practices, allowing participants to gain valuable perspectives from diverse cultural and regional contexts. Discussions covered a wide array of topics, including skill mismatches, industry demands, technology integration, and the continuous improvement of vocational training systems to meet the demands of an increasingly interconnected global economy.

In the vibrant backdrop of Istanbul, a city bridging the continents of Europe and Asia, participants found inspiration in the rich historical and cultural heritage that symbolized the crossroads of civilizations. This cultural fusion served as a reminder of the interconnectedness of nations and the significance of collaboration in shaping the future of vocational training.

The outcomes of the 15th International Annual Conference were far-reaching, leaving a lasting impact on vocational education and training policies at both European and international levels. Participants returned to their respective regions with a renewed sense of purpose and a commitment to fostering excellence in vocational education. The knowledge shared and networks established during the conference set the stage for continued cooperation and progress in the pursuit of a skilled and adaptable workforce that could thrive in the face of ever-changing economic and labor market demands.

The EVBB Annual Conference 2011 in Istanbul was not only a milestone in the association’s history but also a testament to the power of collaboration and dialogue in shaping the future of vocational training, transcending borders and building bridges between continents.

Documents to be added from here: https://evbb.eu/conferences/2011/01/21/istanbul-2011-labour-market-economy-and-vocational-training/