Prize Winners

euwatec gGmbH, Detmold

“Muddy River II – Initiative for Permanently Unemployed Senior Persons in North Rhine-Westphalia”
The award presentation of the “DIE EUROPA” Prize was the highlight of this year’s EVBB conference in Cracow. Prize winner of this year’s competition was the euwatec gGmbH from Detmold in Germany with its project “Muddy River II – Initiative for Permanently Unemployed Senior Persons in North Rhine-Westphalia“.

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Former Prize Winners

Extraordinary Merits

In recognition of extraordinary merits for developing a liberal and peaceful Europe, the statuette “DIE EUROPA” was awarded to:

  • Foundation Chancellor-Adenauer-Home
    Dr. Konrad Adenauer in recognition of his exceptional merits for developing a liberal and peaceful Europe (2008)
  • German Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs and Vice-Chancellor A. D. Professor Dr. h.c. mult. Hans-Dietrich Genscher
    In recognition of his exceptional merits for developing a European order of peace and Europe’s unity (2006)