Call for Expression of Interest – MYSEA

Call for Expression of Interest – MYSEA

We invite expressions of interest to undertake project actions as part of the “MYSEA – Mediterranean Youth, NEETs, and Women Advancing Skills, Employment, and Awareness in the Blue and Green Economy” project, within the framework of the ENI CBCMED...
Calls for Proposals 2023 – EVBB Infonotes

Calls for Proposals 2023 – EVBB Infonotes

(UPDATE – AMIF Call) Following the publication of the  2023 Erasmus+ Programme Guide and Call for Proposals by the European Commission, EVBB has created infonotes for each call. Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education - CBHE (ddl: 16/02/2023) Capacity...
VETn’Go – EU Semester Debate Competition

VETn’Go – EU Semester Debate Competition

REGISTER NOW!VETn’GO – EU Semester Debate Competition EVBB is organising the EU Semester Debate Competition to inspire the values of active citizenship and participation in the democratic life among youth, through the cultivation of crucial social skills...
EVBB joins “Allianz der Chancen”

EVBB joins “Allianz der Chancen”

EVBB joins “Allianz der Chancen” On October 2022, the European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training (EVBB) has joined  the “Allianz der Chancen” (Alliance of Opportunities). The Allianz der Chancen (Alliance of Opportunities) is a cross-sector initiative...