Meeting of the Expert Group Platform of European Associations of VET Providers – Online

Meeting of the Expert Group Platform of European Associations of VET Providers – Online

Together with the VET4EU2 Group, the European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training (EVBB) participated in the online meeting of the “Meeting of the Expert Group Platform of European Associations of VET Providers” with the European Commission –...
EVBB meeting with Wuxi Hi-tech Zone Delegation hosted by EUPIC

EVBB meeting with Wuxi Hi-tech Zone Delegation hosted by EUPIC

EVBB meeting with Wuxi Hi-tech Zone Delegation hosted by EUPIC On 1st February, 2023, under the kind invitation of our Chinese member EUPIC, EVBB was glad to be present at the meeting held at EUPIC’s Brussels office with a delegation from the National Hi-tech District...
EU Project Innovation Centre (EUPIC) visits EVBB in Brussels

EU Project Innovation Centre (EUPIC) visits EVBB in Brussels

EU Project Innovation Centre (EUPIC) visits EVBB On 31st January, 2023, we had the chance to welcome a delegation from our Chinese member EU Project Innovation Centre (EUPIC) in our premises in Brussels. The EU Project Innovation Centre (EUPIC) is the sole EU project...
“Webinar for French Campus de Métiers et Qualifications” hosted by the Mission Éducation-Économie Campus of the French Ministry of Education – Online

“Webinar for French Campus de Métiers et Qualifications” hosted by the Mission Éducation-Économie Campus of the French Ministry of Education – Online

EVBB participated in the “Webinar for French Campus de Métiers et Qualifications,” organized by the Ministère de l’Éducation nationale et de la Jeunesse, as an invited speaker. The webinar aimed to equip over 100 Directors of French “Campus de...