We are delighted to announce that our new project has started its journey. Under the coordination of AKMI, the kick-off meeting was held in Athens, Greece. Partners got to know each other and discussed the main features of the project.
TUTOR aims to create partnerships of teacher education and training providers to set up Teacher Academies.
With iekAKMIedu – AKMI International | Symplexis | European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training (EVBB) European Vocational Training Association – EVTA | Maynooth University | ÖJAB – Österreichische JungArbeiterBewegung / Austrian Young Workers Movement | die Berater Unternehmensberatungs GmbH | IGLYO | School of Pedagogical and Technological Education
#iekAKMIedu #KA2 #erasmusplus #euprojects #erasmus #lifelonglearning
#EUVocationalSkills #EUVocationalExcellence
#EU_Social #EUEramusPlus #VET4EU2 #eacea #inclusion #teachers
#EuropeanEducationArea #TeacherAcademies #tutorproject