VETn’GO operational grant funded under the ‘Civil Society Cooperation in Education and Training” call is a 12-monthly project, ending in December 2022, aiming to change the inflexible character of training systems, promote inclusion, and enhance the adaptability of training processes to different context. The project is in direct line with the European interest, improving vocational education and training in Europe and beyond to increase efforts to promote VET as a first choice. The project’s core is to enhance coordination among educational institutes, create synergies among the EU policies on socio-economic policies and green transitions, and boost dissemination and future-oriented reforms in the field of education and training.

Promoting European Policies and Priorities in Education Among VET Stakeholders through European non-Governmental Organisation

Funding Programme

Funded under the “Civil Society Cooperation in Education and Training” call of the European Commission

Project Number

101075148_ ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CSC-OG


01/01/2022 to 31/12/2022


119.832,00 €



Project Partners
Website & Social Media