Centers of Vocational Excellence for Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Housing
Erasmus+ KA2 – Strategic Partnership in VET
250.000,00 €
09/2024–08/2026 (24 months)
Italy, Greece, Slovakia, Belgium, Spain
EXCEL4HOUSING4.0 will develop a network of at least 5 macro-regional VET hubs (Centres of Vocational Excellence – CoVE), each one composed of at least one VET provider and one business representative. These CoVEs will operate at national/regional level, putting in place a solid structure for business education cooperation and dialogue to find common solutions and practices to develop an innovative cross-border VET ecosystem in the field of energy-efficient and sustainable buildings.
Objectives of the project
The project aims at becoming a European reference initiative, supporting in the green transition and decarbonization of the buildings sector, by contributing to the implementation of the European Green Deal, the New European Bauhaus, the Renovation Wave and the EU Pact for Skills in the construction sector.
Expected Results
The expected results (R) should be achieved:
• An Operation Framework for the Marketplace
• 2 microcourses upon entrepreneurship and communication, of duration of 10 hours each
• 1 Online VET Marketplace
• 2 Handbooks (1 for Trainers and 1 for Employers)
• 4 Mentors Virtual Welcoming Webinars
• 4 Pilots of our Marketplace WBL
• 4 Online Trainings upon communication and entrepreneurial skills
• 10 Orientation Webinars in each country
• 1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan
• 6 Dissemination Events
• 3 TPMs
Project Activities
WP1: Project management
WP2: Developing our Marketplace
A 2.2 VET Marketplace Operational Framework
A 2.3 Development of microcourses upon communication and entrepreneurial skills for VET students
A 2.4 Development of our digital platform for the courses and the Marketplace component
A 2.5 1st user experience testing of the VET Marketplace, and fine-tuning
WP3: Building our Mentoring System
A 3.1 Development of a VET Trainers Handbook
A 3.2 Development of an employers Handbook
A 3.3 Selection of the companies / employers to be involved in the pilots
A 3.4 Organisation of the “Mentors Virtual Welcoming”
A 3.5 2nd user experience testing of the VET Marketplace and fine tuning
WP4: Launching and Pilot Testing of our WBL in a form of Project Based Learning
A 4.1 VET students training upon the microcourses
A 4.2 Launching of the platform and announcement of the projects
A 4.3 Matching of students of Graphics and Web Development with the appropriate project
A 4.4 OrganiSation of orientation webinars by SMEs for the students and learning agreements
A 4.5 Working upon the Projects
A 4.6 Finalisation, Evaluation and Fine-Tuning
WP5: Spread the word
Project Partners
- KTH - Royal Institute of Technology
- European Construction Industry Federation
- Institute of Vocational Training AKMI
- University of Perugia
- National Laboratory of Energy and Geology
- Mazovia Energy Cluster
- Habitech Cluster
- University of Zagreb (Faculty of Architecture)
- Vocational Training Institute of the Construction Industry in North-Rhine Westphalia
- NOVIA University of Applied Sciences
- BGT Innovation Labs
- Merinova Technology Center
- Panhellenic Association of Engineers Contractors
- Folkuniversitetet
- TUCEP – International Network for Knowledge and Jobs
- Extremadura Energy Agency Consortium
- YA – Vocational Academy in Ostrobothnia
- Energy Efficient Cluster of Catalonia
- Ramon Llull University - La Salle
- North-West Croatia Regional Energy and Climate Agency
- Foundation for Architecture (Torino)
- Vocational Training Center of the Civil Construction Industry and Public Works in Portugal
- State Vocational Educational Institution "Sumy High Vocational School of Construction and Design"