Promote Online Education for Agriculture in a Sustainable Environment

Funding Programme

Erasmus+ KA2 – Knowledge Alliances – Blueprint Projects

Project Number



3.995.887 €


09/2022 - 08/2026 (48 months)


Spain, Belgium, France, Italy, Ireland, Poland, Greece, Slovenia, Germany, Romania


The baSE project enables knowledge share among higher education, vocational education and training with social economy actors who contribute to the social economy ecosystemic growth. It addresses skills mismatches and provides new skills with regard to occupational profiles in the SE sector.

In a nutshell, baSE implements sectorial and cross-sectorial activities within broader socio-economic environments such as:

  • Research and Training Needs Analysis of the Social Economy Ecosystem
  • Design of a SocioEconomic Competence Framework to enrich the catalogue of existing Competence Frameworks like DigComp, GreenComp, EntreComp etc.
  • Design of base curricula & Occupational Profiles targeting the Social Economy Sector (adapted to National and Regional/local level)
  • Implementation of training pilots (delivery of training content and teaching training methodologies)

Within this context, the project contributes to the implementation of the Pact for Skills and the European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan, while it creates a multistakeholder community of 25 partners in 10 different countries.

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