Position Papers

The European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training (EVBB) stands as a proactive force in shaping the landscape of Vocational Education and Training (VET) within the European Union. Dedicated to advancing the interests of its more than 370 members, EVBB takes a strategic approach to policy influence through the production of impactful position papers.

EVBB’s position papers serve as influential documents that convey the organization’s insights, recommendations, and expert perspectives on key issues within the VET sector. Meticulously crafted through collaborative efforts, these papers reflect EVBB’s commitment to fostering dialogue, influencing policies, and contributing to the development of high-quality and relevant vocational training systems. With a focus on advocacy and actionable recommendations, EVBB’s position papers are powerful tools in its mission to drive positive change and promote the European model of VET.


2024 Policy Papers

2023 Policy Papers