Call for Participation
in the Competition of the
Dr. Adalbert-Kitsche Foundation
for the prize award
The prize “DIE EUROPA” will be awarded to projects which are aimed particularly at promoting disadvantaged populations and recognized refugees.
“DIE EUROPA” prize of the Adalbert Kitsche Foundation of the EVBB is a female body about 50 cm tall & winged, standing on the European part of the globe with the imprint “EUROPE TERRANOSTRA” (Europe our country, our homeland). The head of the body is modelled like the head of a peace dove. The sculpture was cast in fine bronze. The artist Ladisłav Dryak wanted to use the sculpture to express the idea of a peace-creating, free-to-air Europe. The wings of the sculpture want to protect this idea and carry it into all countries of Europe.
The prize will be awarded on occasion of the International Annual Conferences of the European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training and is project related. A qualified jury determines the winner according to pre-determined evaluation criteria.
Projects submitted in 2017 will be evaluated and awarded in 2017.
It is in the sense of the founder and the association that especially projects for the disadvantaged will be proposed for the award. All submitted projects receive certificates for successful participation in the competition.