The European community of learning providers: Working Papers published

Set up in 2017, the European community of learning providers includes Cedefop and six EU-level VET associations (EVBB, EfVET, EVTA, EUCEN, EUproVET and EURASHE). It aims to help the VET provider community prepare for future challenges and increase the impact of EU-level cooperation on VET.

Through cooperation, mutual learning, selection of good practices, and production of concrete practical guidance on priority themes, the community worked on three themes in three parallel working groups:

– WG 1: Learning providers and the challenge of technology-enhanced learning (TEL): en­hancing teachers’ and trainers’ e-skills

– WG 2: Learning providers and EU mobility: rein­forcing learning attractiveness and em­ployability

– WG 3: Learning providers and migration: empow­erment and integration through learning

Mr Horst Dreimann, then Secretary General of EVBB, was the coordinator of the 3rd working group with the support of Mrs Tina Bertzeletou, Cedefop VET expert.

Each group developed a working paper that have just been published and available on Cedefop website here: