The BBRZ-Group is one of the biggest Austrian education and social service providers and member of the EVBB. BBRZ Med, also belonging to that group, has an offer which might be interesting for Germany as well. BBRZ Med offers medical care of patients at home. It addresses persons with mental impairments who need intensive guidance in order to sustain their employability. Like IB (another member of the EVBB), the BBRZ-Group is, inter alia, active in the area of vocational rehabilitation.
On the 24 January 2018, employees of the IB visited under the supervision of Karola Becker, member of the board of IB, their co-workers in Vienna to gain an insight of their work on-site. “This new offer would also serve as an excellent complement to our range of offers in the area of vocational rehabilitation or the sustainment of employability of persons with mental impairments. We will commit ourselves to be able to implement that offer here as well”, said Karola Becker.

Demands more help for persons with mental impairments: Member of the board of IB Karola Becker (5. from left)