Design Together Kick-Off Meeting in Athens

In the bustling metropolis of Athens, participants from around the world convened for the eagerly awaited Kick-Off Meeting (KOM) of the Design Together project. Hosted by AKMI, the gathering unfolded seamlessly with a comprehensive agenda, fostering a spirit of collaboration among all attendees. 

Our meeting at AKMI’s premises in central Athens provided an opportunity to assess the progress of each Work Package with our partners. On the morning of March 19, 2024, AKMI presented updates on WP1 and WP2, alongside discussions on Quality Assurance, Evaluation, and financial management. Following a nourishing lunch, EVBB, leading Work Package 5, provided insights into Dissemination and Exploitation Activities, encompassing dissemination planning, social media strategies, and event coordination. The subsequent day delved into Work Packages 2, 3, and 4, focusing on Curriculum design/revision implementation. 

Thursday offered a reprieve from formalities, dedicating time to leisure activities. Athens set the stage for the inaugural study visit of the Design Together initiative, facilitating a shared quest for knowledge among European and African partners. The meticulously organized visit included tours of four distinct AKMI Vocational Education and Training (VET) schools, specializing in areas such as art, tourism, and mechanics. This immersive experience granted African partners firsthand exposure to European VET education’s best practices, fostering cross-continental exchange of insights and methodologies. 

Friday’s cultural tour of Athens deepened engagement, bridging the diverse group of European and African partners through shared explorations of the city’s rich heritage. Concluding the enriching week were inspiring workshops on DACUM (Developing A CUrriculuM), the Ambassadors Scheme, and the crucial link between Curricula and the Labour Market. The packed agenda of the visit provided abundant learning opportunities, signifying a significant stride in the project’s journey towards international collaboration in VET.