EVBB Annual Conference 2012, Frankfurt, Germany – Social Cohesion

From October 4th to 5th, 2012, the European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training (EVBB) held its 16th International Annual Conference in the historic Auditorium of Goethe-University, located in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. The conference theme was “Social Cohesion – Integration in Profession and Labour Market of Disadvantaged Target Groups.”

With a focus on promoting social inclusion and empowerment, the conference sought to address the challenges faced by disadvantaged individuals in accessing vocational training and integrating into the labor market. By creating an inclusive environment that prioritized the needs of vulnerable groups, the conference aimed to foster a sense of belonging and cohesion within society.

Participants from various corners of the world gathered at the esteemed Goethe-University’s Lecture Theatre on Mertonstraße to engage in constructive discussions and share insights on innovative strategies for vocational integration. The historic venue served as a fitting backdrop for the discussions on bridging gaps and creating pathways for social mobility through education and training.

Throughout the two-day event, experts, educators, policymakers, and stakeholders explored best practices and policy approaches that could facilitate the seamless integration of disadvantaged target groups into the workforce. By emphasizing the importance of vocational training in building skills and confidence, the conference underscored the role of education in creating opportunities and transforming lives.

The sessions delved into various aspects of social cohesion, examining the challenges faced by marginalized individuals and the potential solutions that could empower them to overcome barriers. The exchange of knowledge and experiences from different countries and regions enriched the discussions, providing a comprehensive perspective on the diverse needs and aspirations of disadvantaged communities.

The EVBB Annual Conference 2012 in Frankfurt/Main culminated in a sense of renewed commitment to fostering social cohesion through vocational integration. The ideas and recommendations generated during the conference laid the groundwork for policy initiatives and collaborative efforts to create a more inclusive and equitable society.

As participants departed from the historic Goethe-University, they carried with them a shared vision of a future where vocational training served as a catalyst for positive social change, uplifting disadvantaged target groups and strengthening the fabric of communities. The EVBB’s ongoing dedication to promoting social cohesion reflected its commitment to shaping vocational education and training practices that leave no one behind.

Documents from here: https://evbb.eu/conferences/2012/01/21/frankfurtmain-2012-social-cohesion-integration-in-profession-and-labour-market-of-disadvantaged-target-groups/