EVBB Annual Conference 2002, Bucharest, Romania – Challenges for Vocational Education and Training in the Process of European Integration under Consideration of Quality Assurance

In 2002, the European Association of Vocational Training Providers (EVBB) held its annual conference on June 11 at the International Conference Center of the Romanian Parliament in Bucharest. The central theme of the conference was “Challenges for vocational education and training in the process of European integration with a special focus on quality assurance.”

The conference brought together experts from various European countries to address the critical issue of quality assurance in vocational education, which holds significant importance for the further development of national economies, especially in the context of European integration and globalization of markets.

Dr. Adalbert Kitsche, President of the EVBB, emphasized the essential role of education quality, particularly in vocational education, in determining the competitiveness of member states of the European Union and the accession countries in Central and Eastern Europe.

During the event, representatives from Romania and experts from across Europe engaged in insightful discussions on the challenges and opportunities in vocational education and training within the process of European integration. The focus on quality assurance highlighted the need for standardized and effective measures to ensure excellence in vocational education across the region.

The conference provided a valuable platform for knowledge exchange and cooperation, fostering mutual understanding and collaboration among vocational training providers and stakeholders. By addressing the issues of quality assurance in an international perspective, the conference aimed to contribute to the improvement and advancement of vocational education to meet the demands of European integration and the global market.