Vocational Training in the Context of an Inclusive Society
– Experiences, Demands and Perspectives
International Annual Conference of the European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training (EVBB) from 4th – 7th October 2017 in Valetta, Malta
Malta 2017 – International Annual Conference
The European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training (EVBB) organized the annual conference of 2017 in Malta and once again put an emphasis on the issues of crucial importance for politicians, VET providers and the labour market. We showcased the best examples of VET, particularly with respect to the integration of migrants and refugees and discussed the challenges that need to be tackled by the parties involved – companies, VET providers and the politicians. If we want to oppose trends detrimental to a solid and competitive growth of the European Union, we must stretch out our hands to those that need assistance and who are the most vulnerable; on the other side of market, we must fight for infrastructural development – whether on the level of the industry or the education institutes.
Our organisation has grown ever since we opened the office of the secretary general in Brussels where we are now very well linked with DG EMPL, DG EAC, DG CONNECT and DG DEVCO. We volunteer in expert working groups in DG EMPL and DG EAC and do our very best to harmonize our efforts with the other big European VET provider organisations, specifically with the European Vocational Training Association (EVTA), itself very much involved in political and project related issues in Brussels.
Our objective is to enhance the image of VET throughout the EU and even beyond, to analyse the requirements of the digital era and to take an active part in implementing the necessary tools so that companies, especially SMEs, stay on track and can face the challenges of the forthcoming digital revolution.
The topic EVBB and its Maltese member PARAGON have chosen responds to the thoughts mentioned above:
Vocational Training in the Context of an Inclusive Society – Experiences, Demands and Perspectives
We hosted 120 conference participants from 4th through 7th October 2017 at the Excelsior Hotel in Valletta. Since the Maltese Presidency of the Council of the EU yielded results in the VET and education fields, we invited prominent guests from the political Malta as well.

Conference Agenda
Conference Documentation
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