On September the 12th, at the premises of the European Parliament in Brussels, Ms Eva Maydell MEP kindly hosted the final event of the project StayMobil which comes to an end after 24 months of implementation.
StayMobil, a Strategic Partnership led by Europa Training, aimed at improving quality assurance in transnational VET mobility through socially responsible behaviour of all VET mobility actors, thus promoting and further developing quality in mobility and sustaining learning outcomes. The project produced different outcomes, the most important one being the practice kit: a practical toolbox for organizations to verify and assess the quality of activities provided at all stages of mobility.
The project was presented in front of a panel composed by Mr Dreimann of EVBB, Ms Kuklinska of Europa Training, Ludmil Manev of ECQ, Conny Reuter of Solidar and João Santos, Deputy Head of Unit of DG EMPL. Ms Maydell concluded the event with her final remarks. Among the attendees, many stakeholders from the VET sector, such as EVTA and EfVET, and representatives from the Centre de Coordination et de Gestion des Programmes Européens with a group of students.
During the event, main achievements of the project were presented to the audience, also emphasizing the usefulness of such instruments for the establishment of quality curricula as key to the potential future of students and youth at large. Many topics involving professional training were also briefly touched upon, somehow in anticipation of the VET Week of this year, where EVBB will be as usual at the forefront.
Aside EVBB, StayMobil project partnership is composed by:
- Europa Training UK
- ECQ Bulgaria
- Vilniaus Kolegija Lithuania
- Essenia UETP Italy
- A.I.A.M. Portugal
For more information regarding the Staymobil project, please click here.